Events Coming Up and Photo of the Week

Red-Bellied Woodpecker. Photo by N. Bower
By Staff

Feb. 10, 2025:  Below is information about upcoming events in and around Bronxville. If you would like to thank an organization, make an announcement or be included in the MHTB listing of events, please send information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Feb. 11 and Mar. 11, 2024: Bronxville Adult School Hitchcock Film Series with the Bronxville Picture House.  Notorious will show on Feb 11, and Strangers on a Train will show on Mar 11.  Each class begins at 6:30 and includes a lecture and screening. CLICK HERE to go to the Bronxville Adult School site.  Then click on "Library and Performing Arts" to get to the page to register.
Mar. 1, 2025, 6pm: The Picture House Presents "Marquee Night 2025."  The event will honor Trudie Styler for her exceptional contributions to film and philanthropy, Congressman George Latimer for his unwavering support of the arts, and board member Peter Kohnstamm with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Guests will then move to The Picture House theater in Bronxville for prosecco, dessert, and an exclusive advance screening of Styler's award-winning documentary Posso Entrare? An Ode to Naples.
Mar. 2, 9: TYA Baseball Clinics at the Bronxville School. Focused on baseball fundamentals. Children ages 4 to 12.  More information on
March 23, 2025, 2:30 pm: Requiem at Church of St. Joseph, Bronxville. Lenten seasons offering of the unequivocal masterpiece, W. A. Mozart's REQUIEM with the choir, soloists and orchestra of the Church of St. Joseph.
April 18, 2025, 7:30PM: Holy Thursday. Choral Eucharist with the Choir of St. Joseph Church in Bronxville. Hassler's Missa Secunda
April 19, 2025, 3:00PM: Good Friday. Choral Eucharist with the Choir of St. Joseph Church in Bronxville. Bruckner's Christus Factus Est
April 20, 2024, 8:00PM:  Easter Vigil. Choral Eucharist with the Choir of St. Joseph Church in Bronxville. Handel's Hallelujah Chorus
Registration for the Bronxville Adult School's winter term! They have over 100 courses to choose from in fitness, dance, studio arts, crafts, arts and history, cooking, games, music, writing, wellness, and more. CLICK HERE to Register.
Now through June 2025 on Tuesday afternoons at 2:30pm: Senior Cinema at the Picture House Bronxville. Moviegoers 65 and Older Enjoy FREE Films. 
Picture House Wellness Initiative for Seniors.  The Picture House Regional Film Center is introducing a new wellness initiative for seniors in partnership with the Thrive Studio in Pelham. This program will take place just before The Picture House's popular Senior Cinema - free screenings on Tuesdays for moviegoers aged 65 and older – offering seniors a chance to relax and rejuvenate their bodies with a gentle Chair Yoga session before enjoying a film. The program will run on the second Tuesday of the month in Bronxville.
Alfred B. DelBello Muscoot Farm Little Explorers program.  If you’re looking for something to do with your child who is 3, 4 or 5, you might want to bring them to Muscott Farm for a fun morning of stories, crafts, animals and nature activities. Upcoming Dates: March 4, 11, 18, 25. CLICK HERE to learn more and to pre-register, which is required.  Muscoot Farm is located at 51 Route 100, Katonah, New York 10536 (914) 864-7286
The Bronxville Women's Club is a great place to host your event. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Weekly Meeting of Bronxville Senior CitizensClick here to learn more.
Enjoy a fun outing with the kids to the Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk.  It offers many fun exhibits geared for kids.  Click here for more information.  Mathews Park, 303 West Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut. 203-899-0606
Would you like to be included in our Event listings?  Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Government & History Directory

Bronxville Overview

Bronxville is a quaint village (one square mile) located just 16 miles north of midtown Manhattan (roughly 30 minutes on the train) and has a population of approximately 6,500. It is known as a premier community with an excellent public school (K-12) and easy access to Manhattan. Bronxville offers many amenities including an attractive business district, a hospital (Lawrence Hospital), public paddle and tennis courts, fine dining at local restaurants, two private country clubs and a community library.

While the earliest settlers of Bronxville date back to the first half of the 18th century, the history of the modern suburb of Bronxville began in 1890 when William Van Duzer Lawrence purchased a farm and commissioned the architect, William A. Bates, to design a planned community of houses for well-known artists and professionals that became a thriving art colony. This community, now called Lawrence Park, is listed on the National register of Historic Places and many of the homes still have artists’ studios. A neighborhood association within Lawrence Park called “The Hilltop Association” keeps this heritage alive with art shows and other events for neighbors.

Bronxville offers many charming neighborhoods as well as a variety of living options for residents including single family homes, town houses, cooperatives and condominiums. One of the chief benefits of living in “the village” is that your children can attend the Bronxville School.

The Bronxville postal zone (10708, known as “Bronxville PO”) includes the village of Bronxville as well as the Chester Heights section of Eastchester, parts of Tuckahoe and the Lawrence Park West, Cedar Knolls, Armour Villa and Longvale sections of Yonkers. Many of these areas have their own distinct character. For instance, the Armour Villa section has many historic homes and even has its own newsletter called “The Villa Voice” which reports on neighborhood news.

Bronxville Village "One Square Mile" Newsletter and Government Directory

Link to Village of Bronxville One Square Mile Monthly Newsletter

December 2024

Village of Bronxville Administrative Offices
Open 9:00am - 4pm excluding holidays and weekends

Bronxville Police Department
Open 24 hours

Bronxville Parking Violations
Open 9:00am - 4pm excluding holidays and weekends

Bronxville Fire Deparment

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